Inter-Club League applications for 2023-2024

Following the success of the first Inter Club League last season we wish to expand this new league by increasing the number of Clubs playing.
This league is ideal for Clubs are looking for games outwith their normal range of opponents and gives Clubs the opportunity to play against other Clubs from the other Forth Valley Area Provinces. Games will be approximately every 3 to 4 weeks.Clubs may enter a maximum of 2 teams into the League and entry is via theon-line Entry Form which can be accessed at:
This Competition is designed to run alongside the Small Clubs League i.e. the Inter Club League will be played on the same dates/times as the SmallClubs League. The Inter Club games will be timetabled so as not to clash with Peak League games.
The Games will be on various Tuesdays at 8.30pm or 9pm.
There is no entry fee and the ice fees must be paid by bank transfer one month in advance to SCG’s account using ICL as payment reference:
Account Name:Stirling Curling Group

Sort Code: 83 16 03

Account Number:00662179

The league will commence in September 2023 and Clubs are asked to submit their entry as soon as possible in order to secure a place in the League.The deadline for submitting entries is the 31st April 2023.