Quick Curling is a new concept

In August five local curlers, Neil Murray, Marjorie Christie and Katie Murray as one team,  and Harry and Michelle Brodie who were joined by Wigtownshire curler John McClelland to form another team took part in the inaugural Hendricks Gin Quick Curling Social Cup at the Dumfries ice bowl.

What is this quick Curling…..?? well, here is a summary of what the rules are for this most enjoyable format

  • Games are 55 minutes with clock starting on allocated game time. 
  • Teams will be notified 5 minutes before the game to allow handshakes, practice slides and team members to get into position.
  • After 55 minutes no more stones will be thrown and the game will finish. 
  • If a stone is in motion when the time is up, then this stone will be allow to come to rest before score is taken. 
  •  A maximum of two points will be available per end. (Could be sitting 4 but only 2 points will be awarded)
  • When the time runs out, stones in a scoring position will count – No maximum score.
  • Each player will deliver 2 stones per end.
  • No Stones can be removed from play until the middle players first stone. 
  • Only 1 team member can sweep at any one time. (You can not swap sweeper during a shot)
  • No sweeping will be allowed during oppositions turn. 
  • Players will rotate positions after every end. Lead, Middle and Skip (Skip moves to lead and other positions move up.)
  • and the most important rule …. If teams are seen to be time wasting near the end of the game this will result in buying ALL teams a Gin.

This excellent event was run by Scott Andrews of Scottish Curling and sponsored by Hendricks Gin, which included a wee tasting session on the Saturday night hosted by the brands ambassador from Hendricks

A number of promotion videos for the event were produced by Hendricks gin and these can be view on Instagram. link  https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ch2HdaTooGE/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=

Team Murray and Team Brodie acquitted themselves admirably in their first attempts at playing this format and bowed out at the semi-final stages finishing in a respectful joint third place.

Report produced by Neil Murray.